Let’s face it. Everyone is feeling the pinch of today’s economic downtrends. We are all looking for ways to save a little. Here are some ways that can make a difference in getting the most of what you have, some of which may be totally new:
1) Shake out excess water off your disposable razor and dip it in rubbing alcohol before storing it in a dry place. This will add weeks of shaving life. 2) Seal lettuce in a zip-lock bag with a moistened paper towel. It will stay fresher longer. 3) Scoop out the remaining bit of lipstick from the tube with a lipstick brush. You will get a dozen or more applications. 4) Separate your bananas. They produce ethylene gas, which causes them to ripen. Separating them will keep them yellow longer. 5) Use half the amount of toothpaste, soap, shampoo and laundry detergent. You probably won’t notice the difference.
6) Use a clothesline when you can. Clothes are slowly being disintegrated by your dryer.That’s where the lint comes from. Open zippers can also ruin clothes in a dryer. Zip them up. 7) Flip your mattress every 3 months. It will extend its life span. Rotate cushions on sofas too. 8) Rotate bars of soap. Allow each to harden before using it again They will last longer. 9) Leather shoes are susceptible to moisture and will last longer if you switch and give them a day off.
1. Cover bowls or dishes when cooking in the microwave. They make excellent covers. 2. Clean windows and mirrors. Coffee filters are lint-free so they leave windows sparkling. 3. Protect China. Separate your good dishes by putting a coffee filter between each dish. 4. Filter broken cork from wine. If you break the cork when opening a wine bottle,(local we hope) filter the wine through a coffee filter. 5. Recycle frying oil. After frying, strain oil through a sieve lined with a coffee filter. 6. Hold tacos. Coffee filters make convenient wrappers for messy foods. 7. Stop the soil from leaking out of a plant pot. Line a plant pot with a filter to prevent soil from going through the drainage holes. 8. Put a few in a plate to soak up grease in fried foods.
Barter is Smarter...
Do you have a skill? Do you know French,math tutoring,carpentry or have any other commodity (veggies from your garden) you could exchange for other goods or services? It is a great way to do business locally, consume responsibly, avoid waste and make new relationships.
One Tree...
If every American family planted just one tree, over a billion pounds of “greenhouse gases” would be removed from the atmosphere every year.
It’s Fine to Consign...
Consignment stores are a win-win situation. You get money for your gently used items and can purchase like new clothing or other things at fantastic prices. Find one in your neighborhood.
Just 10%...
If Americans reduced their meat intake by just 10%,the savings in grains and soybeans could adequately feed 60 million people.That is the number of people that starve to death, worldwide each year.
One Pound..
To produce one pound of beef, we need 16 pounds of grain and soybeans, 2,500 gallons of water, and the energy equivalent to one gallon of gasoline!
Unplug It...
Unplug your cell phone charger when you are not charging your phone.Only 5% of the power drawn by cell phone chargers actually charges phones. the other 95% is wasted!
What Junk!
If everyone in America recycled their junk mail, $370 million in landfill dumping fees could be saved each year.
Water Woes...
Twenty percent more water than is now available will be needed to feed the additional three billion people who will be alive by 2025.
That Lint...
Make a habit of cleaning your dryer’s lint filter before every load to save energy and money! (Up to $40 per year.)
Just One Roll...
We could save 544,000 if every U.S. household replaced just one roll of virgin fiber paper towels with 11 recycled paper towels.
Better Boiling...
Boil food in as little water as possible...just enough to cover what you’re cooking. Keep the lid on the pot to heat things up faster. Once the water has cooled, use it to water houseplants.
Bar None...
For showers and hand washing, skip the liquid soap in favor of a bar. There is less packaging and less cleaning power. Choose a mild soap made of organic and fair trade vegetable ingredients. with no synthetic colors, fragrances, or antibacterial additives.
Green Your Thumb...
Did you know that the leading cause of houseplant death is over-watering? It’s best to do the research and water each plant accordingly, but in general, always test moisture by probing the soil’s top inch with your finger. You can also try tapping the side of the pot.If the noise is hollow, the plant needs water. If it’s solid, you can wait a day or two. Water slowly and watch carefully.When water escapes through the bottom of the pot, the plant isn’t thirsty anymore.
Keep Your Pipes Chemical Free!
A drain auger or “plumber’s snake,” is about a $10 investment that you can pick up at any hardware store. It will keep your pipes unclogged and chemical free.
Down The Drain!
To keep your drain clean put a handful of baking soda and 1/2 cup of vinegar down the drain and cover tightly for one minute. Rinse with hot water.
No Hose...
Using a broom and not a hose to clean your driveway and steps saves hundreds of gallons of water.
Blanket Statement...
Wrap your water heater in a insulation blanket to prevent 1,000 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions each year.
What a Waste!
The amount of paper and wood we throw away each year is enough to heat 50 million homes for 20 years.
To The Moon Alice!
Americans throw away about 40 billion soft drink cans and bottles every year. Placed end to end, they would reach to the Moon and back nearly 20 times.
The Burning Truth...
Each year, 40 million acres of tropical rain forests, an area larger than the state of California, are destroyed through burning or logging.
Are They Safe?
Only 10% of all the 35,000 pesticides introduced since 1945 have been tested for their effects on people.
It Takes Less...
It takes only one-twentieth as much raw materials to grow grains, fruits, and veggies as it does to grow meat.
Solstice Green Directory
4251 S Higuera St Suite 800 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 US